Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

I’ve got a sticky backed dog.

She’s been in the bushes again and ended up covered in sugary exuding green fly. There must be a use I could put this to? Maybe use her to sweeten tea and coffee by soaking her in a huge mug of tea. Would have to be cold tea of course. Iced tea perhaps for our […]

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Friday, November 20th, 2009

Doggys Sausage.

Got these treats for the dog. They are dried sausages. When you open the zip lock bag the smell knocks you sideways and you need to hold your breath. Smells like toxic fumes would smell. They’re all strung together like a string of sausages in the butchers’ shop and you ideally need to snip them […]

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Friday, November 6th, 2009

A Picture Of Doggy.

This is a picture of Doggy. (Her real name). I think she was after something edible.

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