“I’m watching next doors cat with my special #collie illuminated staring eyes turned on. See I’m watching you now.” https://t.co/XNi4XZGFuf


“Fed up now. Finished my jigsaw puzzle, played blow football and draughts. Maybe I’ll go and dance on the newly mad… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

£1.64Trillion debt. Let’s waste £115Bn more on an old train for the wealthy elite to ride on called #HS2 (High SPEED two).

Not nice out. When’s summer coming back online?

.@BBCNews You say ‘ Kanye West has “reportedly” been hospitalised…’ either he has or hasn’t.
If a blog said this you’d call it #FakeNews

Rain stopped for 10 mins so we’ve nipped outside for a wee, poo and pooper scoop. Guess what bit I got to do.
Brushed away flood water also.

Still dark! We’ll all be turning into bats. Squeak squeak (or whatever noise bats make – clickety click maybe?) 😵

.#BBCNews Torrential rain in the Midlands as well. Don’t suppose you care, being #WestminsterBubble orientated.

#MPs have noticed we’re short of ships.Never mind we’re wasting £115Bn on an old #HS2 train in case enemy attacks overland…from Birmingham

“If it’s alright with you I think I’ll stay in today. Right here. Bring me my dinner.” https://t.co/lVPgyYryRb


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