I succumbed to the madness of #BlackFridayShopping and splashed out on this.
It was a bargain at £1
You can never h… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

Two grey haired men having a chat.
Funnily enough the camera saw this as a face. I wonder why? https://t.co/TvVUSa1Xxi


20 foot man wearing flares sighted taking photographs. https://t.co/oWrukDWcB8


“That’s what I call a severe haircut. I’ve got more hair on my tongue. Hahahahaha.” https://t.co/Osxc2YT42r


“Right that’s it you’ve got your picture I’m sloping off now.” https://t.co/NVdwiq8Uh9


With ITV moving so-called news programme to 10.30pm & @BBCNews only showing anti @Brexit & Westminster Politics items. TV clearly given up.

Nearly midday on #blackfriday and I haven’t bought anything yet.
There must be some overpriced cheap tat I don’t need somewhere?

Just had another 2 tea cakes and I was wondering where they got the idea for the shape from? 😏 https://t.co/castAdqfsZ


“Just had a quick gallop down from the bridge. That’s my exercise done for today. What time’s dinner?” https://t.co/nzbWzTfSf7


Flew a drone over the Amazon. Okay not really it’s a drainage trench keeping the path clear of water. https://t.co/Jt52e86FNu


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