Sun 8 Nov 2009
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-08
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-08
- The sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hooray,the sun has got his hat on and he's coming out to play. #
- @BBCClick 'Canteen'? Looks more like a cocktail bar. Is that where all the licence money goes? 😀 #
- I've found an easy iPod screen cleaning method. It's called 'the dogs tongue'. #
- I think I need a good stretch on the rack. #
- Analog TV gets turned off in the NW tonight. Hope they know otherwise it'll be an extra walk for t' whippet. #
- I hate it when I go upstairs and then forget what I've gone upstairs for. #
- Doggy goes to vets tomorrow for 12 month service. I hope the vets taken a tranquiliser. I certainly will. #
- @CheeseRations I wish you'd come back. At least to change the topic to something readable. 😀 #
- Dog knocked all the displays over with her wagging tail at the vets. Staff said,through gritted teeth,'it's okay' . #
- Took them ages to put all the items back on the display stand and replace all the knocked over water bowls. #
- It's their own fault for having a polished floor. She was like Bambi on ice. #
- My that was a hot curry! I've left my tongue in the freezer for a bit to cool down. #
- I hope Liverpool can get a couple of goals in the second half. #
- I think my spider plant is watching me. #
- I hate recycling day. I have to get up so early and they never come til so late. #
- Oh no! I may have put the top from a yoghourt pot in the wrong bag. That's a £1000 fine if they find out. Nobody tell them! #
- Time for a bowl of soup. #
- I just saw a big red rocket. Must have cost a fortune. What a waste of money. Pointless trying to reduce carbon. #
- I feel like a cross between Victor Meldrew and Scrooge. Bah humbug! #
- Wasn't so bad last night. Maybe they were holding back for tonight or the weekend. Unless everybody is skint. #
- Dunno what this iTunes update is doing but it seems to have stuck updating the library. Hope it's not buying everything on my cc. #
- Time to sit down and enjoy a mocha cofie …type. 🙂 #
- Now the dog has had her flea treatment I reckon they're all jumping off her and landing on me! My ankle really itches. Scratch scratch! 🙁 #
- I have this strange need to tell the world that I have just eaten a chicken and lettuce sandwich. Well it was chicken flavoured anyway. #
- Watching Booker T. Jones. Brilliant musician. #
- No wonder the dog hasn't moved for an hour. I was sitting on her tail. #
- Must clean the iPod screen. It's like writing on a slab of lard. #
- The chicken and roasties in the oven smell nice. #
- Still fireworks going off. I wish they'd hurry up and get it over with. Unless we're being invaded. #
- So is broken for me. After years of them delivering stuff to me my postal address is suddenly invalid. Poop I say. #
- Oh well back to Tescos' it is. #
- have fixed their software problem and implore me to return and buy more mp3's. #
- Thank you power company for the power cut. My Vista PC was very amused. #