Thu 24 May 2012
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-24
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-05-24
- Unfair that a couple of horses were banned from the #Olympics for using banned substances. Surely they have a defence. It was forced on them #
- Queen Victorias diaries have been put online.
I bet she's not amused. # - This lettuce only feeds half a man. I'm told it'll be okay for me then.
🙁 # - Nothing wrong #Greece leaving Eurozone. Revert to what it was like before the #Eurozone
EU officials just worried about losing their jobs. # - Just dosed the dog with flea treatment. Got more on me than the dog. #
- "@BumbleCricket: A bird has just shat on me outside the Trip to Jerusalem !"–did you get her name? #