Sun 8 Jan 2012
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-09
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-09
- I could be a stand-in for Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Damn cold.
Pity snot isn't like Oil. I'd be a billionaire. A snottygarch. # - The winds have blown all the dead leaves from my lawn into the neighbours garden. Oh dear. 🙂 #
- Bit of bad weather so @BBCNews trot out their reporters to stand where nobody stands anyway just to show its windy. We know! #wastedmoney #
- My hooter is bright red. Who needs a torch?
Six cars stopped in front of me waiting for me to turn green when I crossed the road. # - With my cold affected deep husky voice women will swoon at my feet when I speak. They like that sort of thing don't they? And, sweaty vests. #
- So Christmas is officially over now? #
- Just two boxes of mince pies left. Thank goodness. #
- Christmas lights always arrive neatly packaged but when putting them away I can never achieve the same neat look. #
- Anybody else getting JavaScript errors on Napster new release page. It's the stand alone version GB. @Napster_UK #
- #SoupLaw Is there an undiscovered law of #Physics Why is soup attracted to a clean tee shirt? Maybe CERN should investigate using the #LHC #
- Adverts on the #WorldService No!!
It'll be be full of 'Go compare' or 'seemples'. # - UK transport crippled.
"It's just the wrong kind of #nosnow " # - Where's my dinner? #