• Waiting in for the gas man again. Somebody should write a song.
    "Weeeelll I'm sat here waiting for mah gas maaan. Oh yeeeaaahhh."
    Miaooow #
  • finished The Fourth Awakening by Rod Pennington and Jeffery A. Martin
    Reasonable .Two out of Five http://t.co/22YPwFa9 #Kindle #
  • Any volunteers to change the time to GMT on the conservatory clock. I may just hit it with a stick and buy a new clock. #lazypersonsclub #
  • Dear Diary,
    Filled the stapler up again! Why is it always me?
    Time to switch the kettle on and make coffee. #
  • I hope this Pearl Dickson track 'Little Rock Blues' is old and the stereo isn't shot. Crackle crackle. #
  • Damn power adapter failed on a wifi router. Cheap Chinese rubbish. #
  • £12 for a new power adapter for the wifi router. Must have thought I was buying the shop! #
  • It's the 75th anniversary of @bbc television. And, they're still showing the same programmes. (bet noone said that before). Only joking
    XXX #
  • Now is that a yellow led or a green led on my Kindle. Look the same to me. I know it's not red. #
  • Watching a programme about the development of television on @bbc4
    I'm not sure it'll ever catch on. #