• There's a look of guilt on that blackbirds face as she scurries across the lawn with one of my raspberries in her beak. #
  • I don't mind her having a raspberry or two but she always picks the biggest. Plus she pecks a few to see if they're ripe. #
  • That's three raspberries now. Her chicks will have runny poos. #
  • Must be like lying in bed and your mother comes in and stuffs a whole melon down your throat. #
  • Today's maths paper had some of the same questions as the March mock paper. Problems in physics/Latin papers. Wish I was still at school! #
  • At #PizzaHut it's unlimited salad. So that's 6 tons of tomatoes, 35 tons of lettuce, 900 cucumbers and a radish please. #