• I almost fell asleep then. #
  • It's so quiet out there's not a single leaf stirring. I can't hear any birds wittering either. #
  • Installed Centos yesterday with lighttpd. Seems okay. Mem load down from 175% to 24%. Using Qmail, a blast from the past. Prefer Postfix. #
  • Lots of people spending money in the shops, and I thought the country was broke. They can't all be bankers spending their bonuses. #
  • Coventry Airport in administration. Bad news especially this time of year. #
  • Ordered a Ricoh R10. Should be halfway up the Amazon. Images are not typically brilliant but it has other functions that appeal to me. #
  • I've got this power adaptor that I've not marked up and I'm blowed if I know what it's for. I'll have to wait for something to run down. 🙁 #