• I can't help wondering why people giving speeches at conferences don't just give everybody a copy of the speech they're reading. #
  • Or better still a link to a podcast. Then everybody could go home. Money would be saved and the environment improved. #
  • This RCN conference that @bbcnews is pumping out is dire. Who's watching it other than a handful of nurses? Still it fills the "news" time. #
  • With #politicians being on another long holiday they have to fill space on #BBCNews Surely there must be news somewhere even outside London #
  • Time to take my anti-vituperative pill. 🙂 #
  • I don't believe it! I've actually bought something made in #Britain and not #China A plastic watering can made in #Notts Yay!! #
  • I'm sure that photo of David Hasselhoff has been photoshopped. He looks about 20.
    Although they seem to have missed his neck. Gobble gobble #