Tue 26 Oct 2010
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-27
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2010-10-27
- A drunk passes @thegizwiz sitting by his Merc engine. "Whats up Gizwiz hic ?"
"Piston broke" says Gizwiz .
"Me too." says drunk. # - Dog is running on the spot and sending the rug flying backwards. I'm keeping her amused as it's too wet to go outside. Playing pingpong next #
- Ping pong ball lasted 5 seconds with the dog. And, she kept dropping her bat in her water bowl. #
- I won't believe in aliens until one knocks on the door and asks for directions to Stoke-on-Trent. I'd still be doubtful if he spoke English. #
- Shame about Paul the octopus dying. They only live two years. That's worse than hamsters. Just when you've trained them to dance they die. #