Thu 16 Sep 2010
Twitter Updates for 2010-09-17
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
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- Recycling day today so it was up at the crack of dawn. Well 6am, which is near enough to dawns crack for anybody. #
- A #Dreamhost account just renewed.
I though I heard my wallet scream.
Actually it's such a good price I think it was a scream of ecstasy. # - though/thought
Hey ho. # - All the cardboard in the recycle bag has gotten soggy with this rain. #
- Found some porridge stuck on the back of my iPod. At least I think it's porridge. I hope it's porridge. #
- We should all be encouraged to dig down and add a few more levels to our homes. #
- Never seen that before. Two meat flies having sex on the patio. All over in a flash. Should have thrown a bucket of cold water over them. #