• Rain at Edgebaston. That's all we need. Why doesn't it rain at night when we're in bed. The Government should fix it. #
  • It's a shock to the system when temperatures go from 30c/86f down to 14c/57f suddenly!
    Where's my woolly and thermal undies? #
  • Yay the covers are coming off. So allowing 40 minutes or so for mopping up operations we should be ready to go soon. #
  • Hooray the scrobblybobbly bar and count down timer are working again! #skysongs #
  • Somebodys either using a power saw or they're very good on the vuvuzela. #
  • England bat first. Bad news,we always bowl first. We could lose this and give Bangladesh their first ODI series win. I don't mind though. #
  • We're doomed I tell you. Doomed! It's 1 for 1 already. #
  • I'm so used to keyboards I've forgotten how to write by hand! Where's my pen? How does one hold a pen? Where's the inkwell? Dip dip scratch. #
  • Dog poo was a bit soft this morning. I think she's been pinching the raspberries again. Sorry if anyone is eating. Second poo was firmer. #
  • All well and good throwing the ball for the dog but I always end up with two slobbery hands. #
  • Loads of snails in the garden last night so I painted little faces on their shells in silver. Neighbours will freak out when they see them. #
  • Wish companies wouldn't use other companies boxes for parcels. This box just delivered says "15 packs of 4 cake muffins – American style" #
  • I just fancy an American style muffin now. Blueberry. #
  • Muffin box was for notebooks (writing kind). I thought it was £9 for 10 but it was for 100. I nearly bought 10 packs! Thought p&p was high. #
  • The Monsoon season has begun. Summer holidays must be about to start. #
  • Watching Tour De France cyclists coming down the Col du Noyer. Those drops at the side are sheer. One slip and it's … Geronimo !! #
  • Uh uh thunder! #
  • Still got the Monsoon weather. One day of sun and they call it summer. Dog is curled up on the floor glaring at me cos she can't go outside. #
  • I need a new chair. I can feel the central support mechanism poking right up into a part I don't want it poking. Or I could use a cushion. #
  • Squirting houseflies with spray adhesive so that when they land I can easily catch them. Dog keeps sticking to the floor though. Pssshhhtt! #
  • Damn Monsoon outside again with thunder. Lost my satellite signal and the garden wood chips are floating off down the road again. #
  • And, the winner is ….. sskkhhqqqssspsssshhhhwibble #
  • Now the suns come out! Still, at least the kids all got wet going home from school. Tee hee. Well it used to happen to me. #
  • Three hours I've watched the Tour de France and I miss the end when the Monsoon came. Well that's just dandy.
    Buggery buggery bugger. #
  • First night of the Proms. Nice. #
  • One thing about early mornings is America is still in bed and Asia is going to bed. So I own the Internet. #
  • I love Snickers ice cream bars. I could eat them all day long. But I'd get really fat. #
  • Just seen an advert for 'Soda Stream'. Apparently it's back! Hmmm well. #