• I've just had a boiled egg for my breakfast. Well, somebody somewhere in a government department might need to know that. #
  • Not seen many giraffes today. Just the normal pink and green spotted sheep. #
  • Had my first Christmas card. From Royal Mail. Nice. #
  • Nice sunny day but too cold to go out. Just as well since I'm on the "waiting in for a package" treadmill again. #
  • A reminder of things to come. Brrrrr. http://twitpic.com/puxmh #
  • The dog just went faster than the speed of light. I dropped a biscuit on the floor. #
  • I'm feeling peckish. Lucky old peckish. #
  • This Stargate Universe is like watching paint dry. I hope it picks up soon. #
  • Oh no the Large Hadron Collider is being switched back on this weekend. I won't sleep tonight. Hope a bird drops a bagette in again. #