• Why do headphone leads tie themselves up in knots? Are they alive? Maybe they are made from snakes. Yes I said "SNAKES"! #
  • I have just eaten a strawberry yoghurt. I have such an exciting life! #
  • Time for a few pistacchio nuts. #
  • It's just like a November day today, which is not unusual considering it is November. #
  • A deep depression has set in on this dismal November day. Sitting in front of a 5 watt eco bulb doesn't help much. HaHa! #
  • I suppose some civilisation out there in space is just now receiving "The Lucy Show". In black and white as well. #
  • Interesting shot on TV of a horses bottom just as I'm enjoying a chocolate bar. #
  • I have just eaten half a boiled egg. Actually I stole it off somebody elses' plate. Hehe. #
  • I went for the other half of the egg but I got caught. #
  • I bet I'm up all night with indigestion now. #
  • It's a bit late I know but it's time for breakfast now. Porridge I think. Not had that since … oh yesterday. #
  • I really should do something constructive. Nah I'll leave it til later. #
  • Why does every can of beer I get have a faulty ring-pull? It's a government conspiracy. #
  • @CheeseRations I'd tell you what it is but I don't want to spoil it for you. 🙂 in reply to CheeseRations #
  • You know things are getting bad when your only friend is Skype Lady. And, she stops answering your calls. #
  • A moth just landed on my nose. Someone must have opened my wallet. #
  • I hate recycling day. I could have had an extra hour in bed. Or two. #
  • "Restart windows"? It's taken me ages to get you started in the first place. #
  • I wish the BBC wouldn't loop 10 second video clips over and over and over. Be more interesting if they ran some backwards occasionally. #
  • Walking the dog with iPod on (on me not the dog) in shuffle mode and nearly every random song was Alma Cogan! Must have the wrong iPod! 🙂 #
  • Amazingly the sun came out today for a few hours. Fair perked me up. #
  • I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the sun. It's peeing down. Sounds like a flock of horses weeing off the roof. #
  • I always get the urge at this time of night… for pizza. #
  • I don't think i'll need factor one today. Do they do a factor minus one I wonder? #
  • What was that song? "Don't let the sun catch you crying." Fat chance! #
  • Oh no! Nobody told me that today is Friday the thirteenth! #
  • They're ddddigging up the rrrroad with a ddddrill and it's ssshakking the hhouse. It's clearing the sssoot out of the chimneys ttthough. #
  • Large swathe of rain cloud heading our way. We'd better get the washing outside to get a good wash. #
  • SA lost Smithy. Maybe that'll slow them down. #
  • Another wicket. Looking better. #
  • Yay another SA wicket gone. #
  • Come on rain. Pour! 1 run ahead on DL. #
  • Weeee we won under DL by one run. #
  • I've just sneezed seven times. I think I'll go and sharpen one of my pencils. Not much going on tonight. All snoozing even after my sneezes. #
  • Quick trip out and it'll be an even quicker trip back with this wind. #
  • Couple of foxes playing in the garden last night (well 3 am). Think they own the place. #
  • I was just wondering how they painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling. They must have had awefully long paintbrushes. #
  • Updates updates. Got three machines on the go. Soon as they reboot they have more updates ready to be installed. #
  • 1080p on Youtube? My poor modem will self-destruct. Should be good though. I can upload some more pebble pond videos in 24p. #
  • There's a sparrow trying to eat a one foot long piece of bacon rind. He's got no chance. #
  • I suppose SA will thrash us to hell and back? #
  • House alarm going off a few streets away. I bet all the burglars are rushing there. #
  • Stick a bass line and some drums on that alarm and it could be a hit record. Weee wow weee wow …. #
  • It'd win X Factor hands down. #
  • SA batting first. We may have a chance. But not bowling wides. #
  • That was a bad over. #
  • Wicket at last but I think we're doomed. Good knock from Smithy. #
  • That's a superb score for a 50 OD never mind a P20. We could struggle to get half that. #
  • We only need 8 off each ball. We can do it. Haha #
  • We need clockwork hard drives to save the planet. #