Sun 13 Jun 2010
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-14
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-14
- Two more power cuts this afternoon. What's up with them? The power companies are making billions. #
- I've had enough of this rain. We've only had two days of sun.
It's like a monsoon and all my gardens wood chips are floating away. # - Just watching Tony Hsieh of Zappos. What a miserable looking bloke he hasn't smiled once yet he's got a book out called delivering happiness #
- @Zappos_Service haha. Sorry. I retract my tweet. He's okay 🙂 in reply to Zappos_Service #
- I just reviewed my opinion of Tony Hsieh of Zappos. He's okay really. Being watched by millions live must be nerve racking. #
- I've ordered Delivering Happiness on pre-order for 9 July. Looks good. #
- Remaining UPS's arrived at 8.30 this morning. Only ordered yesterday so quite quick. Have to wait 16 hrs for them to be fully charged. #
- First UPS I installed two days ago and it's working well. Caught 3 blackouts yesterday and 3 so far today. Kept the modem, switch, PC up. #
- Somebodys moved the dust off the top of my monitor. I was saving that. #
- Nobody has shown up on the Labour opposition benches for the identity documents bill. I thought they said it was really important? #
- Here we go. Bloke playing trumpet badly in the street and shouting "Any old irooooon?" Wonder why he doesn't just nick it like the others? #
- My iPod is in the bathroom. Their should be an app to make it fly back to me. Maybe the new iPhone4 can fly with it's built-in gyroscope. #
- I should also learn to type 'there' instead of 'their' when I mean 'there'. Or I could blame it on twitter. #
- You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. He'll probably just fall in the water and splash about. -mystic norm #
- @BBCClick If it's one of the new World Cup balls it swerves and hits the camera taking the shot. #
- I like Marmite but these Marmite cereal bars almost make me gag! #
- Apple updated their T&C's when I went to install an app and wanted me to read it. All 90 pages on an IPad. I could be permanently injured. #
- I meant iPod not iPad. Where did I get the word iPad from? #
- Just cut the grass. You'd think somebody'd invent a spray to spray on grass and keep it short for months. We put a man on the moon afterall. #
- Those horns they're blowing in the #wc2010 are getting annoying. Or is there a big angry wasp in my earhole. #
- I think there were three takes because everybody thought the first two were flukes. @BBCClick #
- I think it's time to stick those vuvuzelas where the sun never shines.
Milton Keynes!
#worldcup #vuvuzela
Still, I learned a new word. # - Nigerias fans have brought real trumpets to play proper toots. #worldcup #vuvuzela #
- Seven premier league players in the US side. #worldcup #
- Shame we missed that goal because ITV went to an ad break after 5 mins. #worldcup #itv #
- What a load of poop! #
- Today I feel as though I've been blown through a #vuvuzela
Several times. #