Sun 15 Nov 2009
Spamhaus v Spammer
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct, Strange
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I have to say I’m finding it increasingly difficult to decide whether I dislike Spamhaus more than Spammers. You would think it a no-brainer with Spammer usually being top of the ‘I hate you’ list.
But, the Spammer just usually sends me email which I delete and or ignore. However, in the case of Spamhaus they create lists which ISP’s and hosting companies use to block and stop people sending email.
Unfortunately, as in the PBL database, Spamhaus just drop IP ranges into their databases without even bothering to check if individual IP’s are okay or not.
I’m commenting because it happened to me. One of my server IP’s was in an IP range which was placed into a PBL database. No check was made of course so I had to waste a day rerouting my email and getting the server admins’ to contact Spamhaus to get my IP whitelisted (Spamhaus unusually removed the ability for self-service removal for this PBL range.)
Surely Spamhaus should be blocking those millions of guilty spammers instead of taking the easy route and blocking the poor innocent users who just wants to get on with their lives.
I’ll shed no tears if Spamhaus disappears.