• Fried egg slid straight off my plate. Dog snaffled it before it hit the floor and she was in the garden. Superdog! #
  • I'm sure the egg hovered before falling. It was just like Wiley Coyote when he runs off a cliff. #
  • Wish the dog wouldn't eat her biscuits over my slippers. They're full of crumbs and dribble. #
  • Harriet Harman has discovered a new word "awesome". That's twice she's said it. #
  • I wish we had a proper TV news channel. #bbcnews is just becoming a Westminister political channel. With a weather slot for a toilet break. #
  • Another bag for clothes through the letterbox. "developing" countries must have piles of clothes now. They really only want food and water. #
  • Did everybodys "favourites" reset to zero or was it just me? @skysongsuk #
  • Cancel my last about "favourites" I'd opened in another new tab. I do feel a foooool. @skysongsuk #
  • I feel the urge to buy another server. Afterall it's been nearly 2 weeks since the last one. Somewhere in the EU maybe. #
  • If we did host the 2018 World Cup and all those millions of people came here we could sink!
    Or, they might get stranded here by volcanic ash #
  • Water lilies have been around for 65 million years. Then man came along and killed most off them off in the last 50 years. #
  • I wish that bloke doing the IO keynote would stand still. I'm getting seasick #google #
  • Oh he's gone! #google #
  • As I lie in bed I can't help thinking it was a good job Google Street stayed outside and didn't do a Google Bedrooms. Or have they? #
  • Washed dogs blankets overnight. So that's what colour they are.
    I wonder they ever get dirty since she's either on the sofa or our bed. #
  • Well that's me done for the day. Work all done and dusted. Time for the dog to take me walkies. #
  • Just went into the toilet then realised I'd already been 5 minutes before. #
  • I'd never make a good DJ. Cascada followed by Enya followed by Kylie La La La …
    Still you need a pause to take your E's and stuff. #
  • Installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an old PC from the shed. Overwrote the Fedora Core 1 that was on there. Think FC2 is still on the 2nd hdd. #
  • Geneticists have created artificial life from chemicals. A single chromosome they've called Synthia. Wonder if it's any good at hoovering? #
  • The codpiece belonging to Edmund, Lord Blackadder is up for auction. Seems a lot of people around the world want to get their hands on it. #
  • Thought I had a new iPod app then. Turned out to be a bit of cornflake stuck to the screen. #
  • BA posted pre-tax loss of £531 million. Yet it's employees still dance in the street because they can go on strike. They'll soon be jobless. #
  • There's a DIY guide to making your own artificial life in the paper.
    I might make me a woman if I can find the egg whisk. #
  • It's all very well creating artificial life but does it know the offside rule? #
  • Hold the front page. I've discovered artificial life in a yoghourt pot at the back of the fridge.
    I've named it Secil.
    Synthia meet Secil. #
  • Quick poke of the 256m dimms in the PC and I've the full 512mb back instead of 256m. I knew I had 512mb in it. Maybe the spiders loosened it #
  • Deputation of spiders and other insects at the door complaining about me evicting them from the old PC. #
  • Spoke to soon. One of the dimms disappeared so back to 256mb. Maybe I'll try pulling it out and refitting it. #
  • Nobody put the cocoa in the trolly. I wonder if a spoon of nutella would work? #
  • Will it or won't it? #bbcclick #
  • Yay it was shown when it was supposed to be shown. @BBCClick #
  • Wiped all the dust and stuff off the monitor. Didn't realise it was in colour. #
  • Dog just leapt off my lap to chase an imaginary cat and left four big weal marks on my upper inner thigh. It's hot so I'm in shorts. #
  • When the dog thinks she's hurt me she makes a huge fuss of me which hurts more than the original injury! So I try not to show pain. Aaarrggh #
  • It's been really hot today and the dog keeps looking at me as if to say 'Why have you turned the heating on?' #
  • Looks like a few Quangos will get the chop at last.
    Seems the British Potato Council may have had it's chips. #
  • I think this meatfly has taken a fancy to me judging by the way he keeps flying round my head.
    Could cause friction. #
  • I see an organised family fun day event in London turned into a shoot out with one man injured in crossfire. It's not even June yet! #
  • It's 24 (75f) and rising. How I long for the cold snow of a couple of months ago.
    I want to roll naked in the snow. I'm just a bit kinky. #
  • Appears I'd be on my own in the rolling naked in the snow stakes. No volunteers in the house wanting to join in. Except the dog of course. #
  • Apparantly rubbing an ice cube over ones face is ok though.
    I suggested somewhere else but no takers.
    Except the dog.Who'd probably eat it #
  • It's up to 26 (79f) now. I may have to remove one of my jumpers *and* my woolly vest!
    The World should be warned. Vest removal imminent. #
  • A load of mosquitoes have popped in to say hello.
    I think they reside in the water tray for my strawberry pots. #