• I wish we had a proper TV news channel. #bbcnews is just becoming a Westminister political channel. With a weather slot for a toilet break. #
  • Another bag for clothes through the letterbox. "developing" countries must have piles of clothes now. They really only want food and water. #
  • Did everybodys "favourites" reset to zero or was it just me? @skysongsuk #
  • Cancel my last about "favourites" I'd opened in another new tab. I do feel a foooool. @skysongsuk #
  • I feel the urge to buy another server. Afterall it's been nearly 2 weeks since the last one. Somewhere in the EU maybe. #
  • If we did host the 2018 World Cup and all those millions of people came here we could sink!
    Or, they might get stranded here by volcanic ash #
  • Water lilies have been around for 65 million years. Then man came along and killed most off them off in the last 50 years. #
  • I wish that bloke doing the IO keynote would stand still. I'm getting seasick #google #
  • Oh he's gone! #google #
  • As I lie in bed I can't help thinking it was a good job Google Street stayed outside and didn't do a Google Bedrooms. Or have they? #