Sun 18 Apr 2010
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-19
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
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- I'll have to tone down the 'found a virus' siren. It just went off and gave me a tense nervous headache. #
- I hate it when the TV makes the same noise as the iPods email notifier. #
- I'm sitting outside in the sun all relaxed. So relaxed I may have to uproot and go to the throne room. Sigh. I'm so comfortable as well. #
- Reading about this lack of water in the National Geographic has made me thirsty. #
- Well,that's one less plate to wash up. #
- New Stargate Universe series starts tonight. I hope it's not as CRAPPY as the last series. #
- Somebody fix the BBC #iPlayer #
- Its back #iplayer #
- Hmmm Amazon recommend a Canon camera at 4,883.99 GBP.
I might buy half a dozen. # - Just got an electric shock off the dog. I was rubbing her fur. #
- This wild mushroom soup just snarled at me. #
- Cor all air traffic in and out of UK banned from midday to 1800 hrs because of a volcano ash cloud from Iceland. Cloud smells like bad eggs #
- Those happy holidaymakers at the airports look a bit glum. #
- The last eruption lasted 18 months. Could be the start of a nuclear winter. Bet the dinosaurs are worried in case it makes them extinct. #
- #bbcnews must hate it when doing a live interview and some kid starts mooning in the background. Haha the cameraman almost fell over. #
- When does the ice cream lady come round? #leadersdebate #
- @CheeseRations Congrats on your new direction in DH. Hope it goes well for you. Don't forget us irc'ers 🙂 in reply to CheeseRations #
- Watching the debate on twitterfall and I think my eyeballs are just about to drop out of their sockets. #
- Better get a gas mask for the dog for when the volcanic ash starts to fall. #
- Amazing how many Insurance companies have found religion and are invoking the Act of God clause. #
- Fighting off bumble bees and now the wasps have started.
GET OUT THE HOUSE AND FIND YOUR OWN PLACE! # - I go in the garden to photograph wildlife and all I can find is an ant. They're tricky to photograph as they keep moving about at high speed #
- I ran out to see an aeroplane but stubbed my toe. It was only a kid riding a lawnmower anyway. #
- How typical. There's no ash over Iceland so their planes are flying as normal. We should sue them for flicking their ash over us. #
- I've seen so much about the volcano ash cloud on the news channels over the past two days that I almost qualify as a world expert now. #
- Choice of meat for dinner. Beef,beef or beef? I'll have the chicken.
No chicken? Who did the shopping? Oh yes me. I'll have the beef then. # - I wouldn't say this gravy was thick but has anyone seen the trowel? #
- The gravy could hardly move about but it still managed to leap off the plate onto my shirt unless it was when I dropped the potato. #
- Unfortunate names for the Microsoft phone. Kin 1 and Kin 2. I wonder if there will be a Kin hell? #
- The dog is guarding the cooked sausages just in case the sausage burglar appears. Or in case one gets dropped on the floor. #
- Horses,dogs and mice found at a 'beastiality' farm in Washington State. Mice?? How does that work then? No don't tell me.
Only in the U.S. #
- Zillions of wasps about. Wasps to the left of me wasps to the right… #
- I just passworded my iPod. I didn't know it could do that delete after 10 attempts stuff. Should RTFM I suppose. Now then what was that pwd #
- New Daleks look very sleek without giving too much away.
They've had a makeover cos they're being filmed in HD. Vain Daleks.
Exterminate. # - Can't tell if there's any volcano ash on the car since it's covered in pigeon poo. Does volcano ash look like pigeon poo? Sort of lumpy? #
- The name of the Icelandic volcano is "Eyjafjallajoekull". No wonder they call it "the volcano". What a mouthfull. I'll just call it Joe Kull #
- Maybe we'll see a return to using sailing ships and propellar driven aircraft. Britannia will rule the waves again. Hang on we've no trees. #
- So we've no trees to build ships so we'll have to invade somewhere. Now how we gonna get there? I wonder if the buses are running? Taxi! #