Archive for October 7th, 2016

Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: “Glare!”


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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: What a game. #Bangladesh were so close. Well playe…

What a game. #Bangladesh were so close. Well played. #BANvENG

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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: I thought that very decent of Firefox to just let…

I thought that very decent of Firefox to just let me call a PNG file a JPG file and display it without making me faff about. 👍

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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: Bit cold this morning. All my goosebumps are stuck…

Bit cold this morning. All my goosebumps are stuck in the on position. ⛄

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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: I’m sure the new new @UKLabour cabinet is just the…

I’m sure the new new @UKLabour cabinet is just the same one person in disguise.

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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: I think the people who built the pyramids in Egypt…

I think the people who built the pyramids in Egypt were trying to tell us something. The pyramid is the best shape to build your house as.

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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: No m’lord. I didn’t bash him on the bonce with a b…

No m’lord. I didn’t bash him on the bonce with a baseball bat. We had an altercation. Then I took the jewels.

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Friday, October 7th, 2016

Tweet: If the dog rubs her head on my hand much longer I’…

If the dog rubs her head on my hand much longer I’ll have no skin left and she’ll have no fur! ☺

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