Archive for October 3rd, 2016
Daily Archive
Monday, October 3rd, 2016
Tweet: 5 lawyers have left #ChildAbuse enquiry.With huge…
5 lawyers have left #ChildAbuse enquiry.With huge NDA pay-offs allegedly. Are they making way for more lawyers to have a slice of the cake?
Comments Off on Tweet: 5 lawyers have left #ChildAbuse enquiry.With huge… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Monday, October 3rd, 2016
Tweet: 98% of voters in Hungary voted against #EU immigra…
98% of voters in Hungary voted against #EU immigration policy. But less than 50% of voters turned out so it’s been declared invalid.
1 Comment » - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Monday, October 3rd, 2016
Tweet: Can’t keep up with all these football manager chan…
Can’t keep up with all these football manager changes. Need an app to monitor it all or maybe a big piece of paper on the wall.