Archive for August 19th, 2016

Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: Said it before but what would happen if every pers…

Said it before but what would happen if every person in the #EU wore a head to toe covering like a burka. As part of the EU religion?

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: It’s all go. Slidy conservatory door came off the…

It’s all go. Slidy conservatory door came off the slider at one end and it’s an <extremely rude word here> to get it back in the track.

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: Still trying to reg an account with @EE for 4GEE W…

Still trying to reg an account with @EE for 4GEE WiFi monthly plan after nearly 3 weeks. Sticks on asking mobile number which I haven’t got.

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: Well the rain’s stopped and it seems to be getting…

Well the rain’s stopped and it seems to be getting lighter. But is it a cunning trick to get unsuspecting dogs outside?

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: Inventions galore.After umbrella with a propeller…

Inventions galore.After umbrella with a propeller on top idea is an idea for a digital camera that works immediately on pressing the shutter

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: Driver checking under her car for damage after dri…

Driver checking under her car for damage after driving on pavement into big hole caused by people parking on pavement. Puddles can be deep!

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: Highly motivational and inspirational thought for…

Highly motivational and inspirational thought for the day :- “Why did we even bother getting out of bed this morning?”

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: If umbrella’s had propellers on top attached to dy…

If umbrella’s had propellers on top attached to dynamos you could recharge your phone/anti-social device as you walked along. #PatentPending

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: .@BBCNews still doing the rounds with their anti #…

.@BBCNews still doing the rounds with their anti #Brexit agenda just desperate now to find someone with their own warped views.

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Friday, August 19th, 2016

Tweet: #UN finally admit being responsible for Cholera ou…

#UN finally admit being responsible for Cholera outbreak in #Haiti 2010 killing 10,000.Too worried about being sued.…

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