Archive for August 11th, 2016

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: “We #collies need camouflage fur so the sheep don’…

“We #collies need camouflage fur so the sheep don’t spot us. In this black and white fur we stand out too much.”

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: Oh well at least the dog knows all the paths so I…

Oh well at least the dog knows all the paths so I won’t be wandering about in the jungle for weeks.

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: “I should be able to squeeze through. After all he…

“I should be able to squeeze through. After all he squeezed through with a few grunts and groans.”

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: “Haha it’s #TickleThursday . Tickled by the grass…

“Haha it’s #TickleThursday . Tickled by the grass stalk that is.”

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: “This is what I look like from a satellite. The re…

“This is what I look like from a satellite. The resolution is very good isn’t it? Not very private though.”

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: Professor Alexis Jay announced as new chairwoman i…

Professor Alexis Jay announced as new chairwoman in the abuse inquiry. So far she’s lasted 30 minutes. Is this a record?

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: So Dear Server you thought it was mind numbingly f…

So Dear Server you thought it was mind numbingly funny to run the CPU at 94%?

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Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Tweet: Watching Royal Courts of Justice. They’ve obviousl…

Watching Royal Courts of Justice. They’ve obviously spent some money on all the wood. Just a shame they couldn’t put the sockets in straight

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