Archive for April 10th, 2016

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: Had a big mug of milky cocoa. I’ll be up widdling…

Had a big mug of milky cocoa. I’ll be up widdling all night! No auto-correct NOT twiddling…

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: If you’re wealthy tax returns get extra space for…

If you’re wealthy tax returns get extra space for more noughts. For the super-rich it’s extra blank pages. For tax avoiders…why bother?

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: Wonder where #Osborne is? Not been seen for days….

Wonder where #Osborne is? Not been seen for days. Have we checked all his usual haunts?

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: I wonder how many trojans and viruses #GCHQ stuck…

I wonder how many trojans and viruses #GCHQ stuck in the pdf of #Camerons tax return (summary). We’re all in it together. Right in it!

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: I shall now pore over the Tax Returns of #Cameron…

I shall now pore over the Tax Returns of #Cameron Well, the one page anyway. How come he gets one page and we get a 900 volume to fill in?

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: I hate being filthy rich. I keep tripping over bun…

I hate being filthy rich. I keep tripping over bundles of £50 notes. No wait the socks have fallen out the sock drawer again.

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: 10 seconds to write a tweet. 5 minutes to correct…

10 seconds to write a tweet. 5 minutes to correct the auto-correct corrections, deleting & rewriting then deleting because the moments gone!

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: If I see that micro:bit ad on #BBC again I shall s…

If I see that micro:bit ad on #BBC again I shall spit!

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: “I don’t like money, I love it” #CameronTaxSongs…

“I don’t like money, I love it” #CameronTaxSongs #CameronResign

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Tweet: #Cameron hasn’t published his tax details. He’s to…

#Cameron hasn’t published his tax details. He’s told his accountants to publish a summary.

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