Archive for November 27th, 2015

Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: “Phew! I thought I was going to get the blame for…

“Phew! I thought I was going to get the blame for all these holes.”

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Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: “Quite nice now the sun has come out. I’d stay her…

“Quite nice now the sun has come out. I’d stay here all day if there wasn’t a casserole in the oven.”

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Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: “Heel? What do you mean heel? Yeah whatever.” http…

“Heel? What do you mean heel? Yeah whatever.”

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Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: Only 4 people have turned up not the expected Bill…

Only 4 people have turned up not the expected Billions. #BlackFriday #BlagFriday #BagFriday #ManFriday #FishFryDay

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Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: End of the paper car tax disk was supposed to save…

End of the paper car tax disk was supposed to save DVLA £10Mn a year, but instead evasion has risen from £35Mn to £80 Mn. That worked well!

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Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: If the #Paris criminals came from #Belgium does th…

If the #Paris criminals came from #Belgium does that mean #Cameron wants to bomb Belgium?

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Friday, November 27th, 2015

Tweet: I must rush out and buy something I don’t want tha…

I must rush out and buy something I don’t want that a few months ago was even cheaper than it is today. #BlackFriday #BlagFriday

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