Archive for November 4th, 2015

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: .@LisaLisa079 Klopp is trying to get Gerrard back…

.@LisaLisa079 Klopp is trying to get Gerrard back to #Liverpool coaching/training or even playing.

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: If Volkswagen is pronounced ‘Volks vagen’ why isn’…

If Volkswagen is pronounced ‘Volks vagen’ why isn’t VW pronounced ‘Vee Vee’ ?

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: I must get a computer so I don’t miss out on being…

I must get a computer so I don’t miss out on being snooped on by Theresa May.

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: As Theresa May pushes her super-snooper #charter t…

As Theresa May pushes her super-snooper #charter to see what the public are buying on Amazon, #terrorists are writing letters to each other.

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: So it’s a basic pay bribe errr pay rise of 11% for…

So it’s a basic pay bribe errr pay rise of 11% for junior #doctors with a reduction of 11% in overtime & such payments.Strike still on then?

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: Happens every time. Almost gave myself a hernia tr…

Happens every time. Almost gave myself a hernia trying to squeeze salad cream out the bottle only to find the seal hasn’t been removed. 😑

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: Devon need to spend £750Mn fixing potholes & c…

Devon need to spend £750Mn fixing potholes & called for volunteer road wardens to fill them.After 1yr red tape prevents wardens from working

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: Half the Manuka honey sold in the #UK is fake! New…

Half the Manuka honey sold in the #UK is fake! New #Zealand won’t be happy about that. @DefraGovUK and Trading Standards should get a grip!

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: Ally of Iain Duncan Smith urges rethink over tax c…

Ally of Iain Duncan Smith urges rethink over tax credits @MailOnline

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Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Tweet: Cameron boasts about £3billion in deals with Kazak…

Cameron boasts about £3billion in deals with Kazakhstan @MailOnline He certainly knows how to pick his friends!

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