Archive for September 6th, 2015

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: .@David_Cameron panics as premiership comes to a c…

.@David_Cameron panics as premiership comes to a close & he realises he’s done nothing to be remembered for. No #HS2 built let’s bomb #Syria

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: Bet that made a few twitch. #WALvISR

Bet that made a few twitch. #WALvISR

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: Being molested by the dog. She knows I have a bana…

Being molested by the dog. She knows I have a banana secreted about my person.

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: Oh dear.

Oh dear.

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: FCA admits wasting £3.2m on software it never used…

FCA admits wasting £3.2m on software it never used @MailOnline Its only taxpayers money. Government doesn’t care.

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: BLOCKED! Here’s how to fight back and banish cold…

BLOCKED! Here’s how to fight back and banish cold callers @MailOnline 22Million illegal calls. But we have to pay?

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: TONY HETHERINGTON: My investment in gold really ha…

TONY HETHERINGTON: My investment in gold really has turned to dust @MailOnline Drop a toffee paper and go to jail.

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: Reform in personal banking is finally on the way h…

Reform in personal banking is finally on the way @MailOnline “benefits” designed to make even more profits for banks?

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: Unmasked: SIXTH man in Cambridge spy ring http://t…

Unmasked: SIXTH man in Cambridge spy ring @MailOnline Still being unmasked. Lots more left for unmasking yet.

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Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Tweet: Foreign aid to be used to bring refugees to Britai…

Foreign aid to be used to bring refugees to Britain, Osborne announces @MailOnline Luxury houses using £Billions?

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