Archive for August 29th, 2015

Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: Night time slug feast. Eating the seed the pigeons…

Night time slug feast. Eating the seed the pigeons didn’t eat during the day. Won’t be a trace tomorrow.

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: Amazing what you find on an old Blog from years ag…

Amazing what you find on an old Blog from years ago. Real living history! Thrilling? Maybe not.

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: Dogs found me stretched out on the sofa. Wonder ho…

Dogs found me stretched out on the sofa. Wonder how long before I get pushed off? She’s squeezed onto one end already and slowly expanding 😕

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: “Now what? I always eat here.Especially when you’r…

“Now what? I always eat here.Especially when you’re asleep. So yah boo to you. Who made you leader anyway?”

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: “So when the kitchen floor has been washed I’m not…

“So when the kitchen floor has been washed I’m not supposed to walk across it with my dusty feet till it’s dry?”

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: What’s going on? #BearsvSteelbacks 12 for 3 #T20Bl…

What’s going on? #BearsvSteelbacks 12 for 3 #T20Blast

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: Either it’s snowing or I’ve used too many sachets…

Either it’s snowing or I’ve used too many sachets in the washing machine. Is it like making tea? One sachet per item and one for the pot. 😃

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: In #Egypt 3 men sentenced to 3 years for allegedly…

In #Egypt 3 men sentenced to 3 years for allegedly breaking laws.Must occur everyday but as they’re journalists @BBCNews reports ad nauseam.

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: .@SkyNews want us to tweet Yes or No using #digita…

.@SkyNews want us to tweet Yes or No using #digitalview So here we go. How much will I be paid?

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Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Tweet: Tories want to scrap the green belt for ‘more hous…

Tories want to scrap the green belt for ‘more houses’. I expect it’ll make developers wealthier as well?…

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