Archive for April, 2015

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Tweet: “I like running backwards and forwards across this…

“I like running backwards and forwards across this stream. He can’t follow me.”

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Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Tweet: “I’d better fill up whilst I have the chance. Is h…

“I’d better fill up whilst I have the chance. Is he photographing my bum again?”

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Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Tweet: “I’ve always had trouble with this gate. I can’t g…

“I’ve always had trouble with this gate. I can’t get my nose in. Now is it push or pull?”

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Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Tweet: “Come on you, we’re nearly there now.”…

“Come on you, we’re nearly there now.”

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Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Tweet: “I’ll hide here and then leap out on him when he w…

“I’ll hide here and then leap out on him when he walks by.”

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Monday, April 27th, 2015

Tweet: Reading about methods to shoot down UAVs it seems…

Reading about methods to shoot down UAVs it seems best method would be compressed air gun firing hundreds of tacky rubber ball-bearings.

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Monday, April 27th, 2015

Tweet: “Come on slowcoach do try and keep up the pace. Yo…

“Come on slowcoach do try and keep up the pace. You’d have been useless at the #LondonMarathon I’ll enter next year.”

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Monday, April 27th, 2015

Tweet: “I can’t sit here much longer. My spring’s been ov…

“I can’t sit here much longer. My spring’s been overwound. Boiiing! I’m off!”

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Monday, April 27th, 2015

Tweet: I can think of better holiday spots than a cow pat…

I can think of better holiday spots than a cow pat. White specks must be eggs?

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Monday, April 27th, 2015

Tweet: Flies laying eggs on cow poo. I hope they wipe the…

Flies laying eggs on cow poo. I hope they wipe their feet before landing on my sandwiches.

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