Archive for March 16th, 2015

Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: I may form a coalition with either #Labour or the…

I may form a coalition with either #Labour or the #Conservatives after #GE2015 I can’t decide.Who’s giving away the most knighthoods & dosh?

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: Man throws son into the air with GoPro and capture…

Man throws son into the air with GoPro and captures his perspective @MailOnline Make sure he hasn’t just eaten!

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: Dog saved from illegal Vietnamese meat trade wins…

Dog saved from illegal Vietnamese meat trade wins award at Crufts @MailOnline

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: The baby boy doctors said would never live celebra…

The baby boy doctors said would never live celebrates first birthday @MailOnline

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: Cocaine dealers caught after buying lots of blend…

Cocaine dealers caught after buying lots of blenders at Asda to mix the drug @MailOnline

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: Lib Dems can win a second term in power, insists N…

Lib Dems can win a second term in power, insists Nick Clegg @MailOnline Rent-a-mob?

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: Policeman killer Harry Roberts enjoys his life of…

Policeman killer Harry Roberts enjoys his life of freedom @MailOnline

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: “Right, nothing to see this way. About turn and ru…

“Right, nothing to see this way. About turn and run. There’s a great big hairy German Shepherd dog coming this way.”

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: “Hi ho. Hi ho. It’s off to home we go…” http://t…

“Hi ho. Hi ho. It’s off to home we go…”

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Monday, March 16th, 2015

Tweet: Don’t slip it’s a long way down.…

Don’t slip it’s a long way down.

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