Archive for February, 2015

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: “Don’t think I’m going in there it looks too muddy…

“Don’t think I’m going in there it looks too muddy.”

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: Wolf Hall fans shocked as BBC broadcasts the C-wor…

Wolf Hall fans shocked as BBC broadcasts the C-word @MailOnline Shouldn’t be allowed to say ‘Cameron’ even after 9pm.

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: HSBC reports 17% drop in annual pre-tax profits to…

HSBC reports 17% drop in annual pre-tax profits to £12.1billion @MailOnline Have to buy the cheap crisps now then?

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: Seems odd that newspapers are required by injuncti…

Seems odd that newspapers are required by injunction to remove content that was printed a week ago. Oh well at least the lawyers get rich.

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: Argument for letting #MPs have many jobs on the si…

Argument for letting #MPs have many jobs on the side is to get experience of outside life. Try living homeless and on the dole for years!

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: .@BBCNews ‘Oscars Special’? Good grief. Instead of…

.@BBCNews ‘Oscars Special’? Good grief. Instead of #BBC spending £11Mn. a year on taxis they should hire some journalists and report News.

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: After a heavy downpour #UK has more lakes than any…

After a heavy downpour #UK has more lakes than any other country in the world. Many are small & people give them the local name of #potholes

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: Wouldn’t pay anything to listen to #MPs after dinn…

Wouldn’t pay anything to listen to #MPs after dinner speech let alone £5000. Rather pay it to @Arthur_Strong for his motivational speeches.

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: How can #MPs have up to 5 extra outside jobs? They…

How can #MPs have up to 5 extra outside jobs? They have a fabulous wage/expenses/pension package with 11% pay rises but greedily want more.

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Tweet: Another pile of junk adverts through the letterbox…

Another pile of junk adverts through the letterbox today. Oh well straight back into the nearest post box since they weren’t addressed to us

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