Archive for February 7th, 2014
Friday, February 7th, 2014
Tweet: .@BBCNews Lord Smith of #EA wouldn’t stop to spea…
.@BBCNews Lord Smith of #EA wouldn’t stop to speak to #BBC He’s on £100k for 3 day week (has other “jobs”) People used to work a whole week
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Friday, February 7th, 2014
Tweet: .@BBCNews @David_Cameron wants us to go up to Scot…
.@BBCNews @David_Cameron wants us to go up to Scotsmen and get them to stay in the Union.Will gov. pay for all the broken noses that result?
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Friday, February 7th, 2014
Tweet: .@BBCNews If only those waves in Dawlish could be…
.@BBCNews If only those waves in Dawlish could be a bit higher.Might give McLoughlin a soaking.Be a change from taxpayers being soaked. #HS2
Comments Off on Tweet: .@BBCNews If only those waves in Dawlish could be… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Friday, February 7th, 2014
Tweet: .@bbcnews Warwickshire CC have to find £90Mn cuts…
.@BBCNews Warwickshire CC have to find £90Mn cuts as we waste £115BN on #HS2 and Millions on aid to rich countries. And,the roads are a mess