Archive for December 9th, 2013

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: Every kid at school should have a treadmill under…

Every kid at school should have a treadmill under their desks to produce energy. It would keep them fit and they’d be too tired in evenings.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: Stick a windturbine on every lampost and solar pan…

Stick a windturbine on every lampost and solar panels on the roof of every house. Then dump energy guzzling #HS2 into the sea. #Panorama

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: Big six whining about only making 5% profit.They j…

Big six whining about only making 5% profit.They just wouldn’t be in it if there weren’t huge profits to be made.And, being made.#Panorama

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: Glad I have the headphones on. This #EastEnders lo…

Glad I have the headphones on. This #EastEnders lot seem a right cheery bunch, not! Not watched it before. Well since Dirty Den was in it.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: That #Eastenders woman should take that jumper bac…

That #Eastenders woman should take that jumper back. It doesn’t fit and it’s a horrible green. Sorry don’t know character names.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: .@bbcmtd Wow #M6 Toll is £300Mn in debt. Maybe if…

.@bbcmtd Wow #M6 Toll is £300Mn in debt. Maybe if they cut the #toll fee drastically they might start cutting back on that #debt.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: 15 seconds into my powernap and the dog stuck her…

15 seconds into my powernap and the dog stuck her tongue in my ear! Oh well back to global monitoring.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: Time for a 63 second power nap to revitalise my in…

Time for a 63 second power nap to revitalise my inner self and emerge like a butterfly on a very windy day.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews will be in HD tomorrow. All those pimply…

.@BBCNews will be in HD tomorrow. All those pimply newsreaders in HD! Unless they slap on more face paint to make them look like mannequins.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013

Tweet: #Schools ban Blyton books as they’re not PC. But,o…

#Schools ban Blyton books as they’re not PC. But,our chicken is stuffed full of water,phosphates and hormones,but nothing is done. #profits

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