Archive for November 15th, 2013
Friday, November 15th, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews Hope the dogs are okay as well as the pe…
.@BBCNews Hope the dogs are okay as well as the people in the Philippine crisis.
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Friday, November 15th, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews Patients over 75 yrs will have a named d…
.@BBCNews Patients over 75 yrs will have a named doctor to look after them. That’ll be Doctor Crippen, Doctor Who and Doctor Hook.
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Friday, November 15th, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews If the #UK suffered a catastrophe what #…
.@BBCNews If the #UK suffered a catastrophe what #aid would they send us? Pies & chips & cans of lager?Champers for @David_Cameron and mates
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Friday, November 15th, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews Wonder why @David_Cameron has really gon…
.@BBCNews Wonder why @David_Cameron has really gone to #SriLanka We only go to countries to scrounge or beg for cash.Which we then give back
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Friday, November 15th, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews #EC finds Spain not guilty of breaking #…
.@BBCNews #EC finds Spain not guilty of breaking #EU regs over #Gibraltar dispute.Not unexpected,only #Britain ever gets found guilty.
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Friday, November 15th, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews Can’t you afford a camera for @bbcnickro…
.@BBCNews Can’t you afford a camera for @bbcnickrobinson in #SriLanka