Archive for October 22nd, 2013
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
Tweet: 1975-1998 @DefraGovUK (MAFF) culled 21511 #badger…
1975-1998 @DefraGovUK (MAFF) culled 21511 #badger & examined them for bTB. 4307 tested positive.That’s 20% yet DEFRA say all badgers have it
Comments Off on Tweet: 1975-1998 @DefraGovUK (MAFF) culled 21511 #badger… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews In Ireland. €3.4Mn spent directly in 201…
.@BBCNews In Ireland. €3.4Mn spent directly in 2012 killing 7000 badgers to reduce the national bTB figure by 55 cows…
Comments Off on Tweet: .@BBCNews In Ireland. €3.4Mn spent directly in 201… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
Tweet: Thank you to @bbcmtd and @DrDavidGK for a fair new…
Thank you to @bbcmtd and @DrDavidGK for a fair news report of the current state of the Gloucestershire #badger cull.
Comments Off on Tweet: Thank you to @bbcmtd and @DrDavidGK for a fair new… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
Tweet: .@BBCNews #GCHQ going to recruit hackers with crim…
.@BBCNews #GCHQ going to recruit hackers with criminal records. Shame they don’t recruit kids who have stayed honest and not broken the law.