Archive for September 27th, 2013

Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews If Higgins is only staying for 2 yrs at…

.@BBCNews If Higgins is only staying for 2 yrs at #HS2 what’s the point?Can’t be for the £1.2Mn & generous golden handshake & pension surely

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@bbcne @DefraGovUK Not all farmers support the #b…

.@BBCne @DefraGovUK Not all farmers support the #badger cull.NFU only has 55,000 (18%) members out of 307,000 & haven’t even polled members.

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews #BBC charter is to provide a balanced &…

.@BBCNews #BBC charter is to provide a balanced & impartial view. No airtime has been given to groups opposing the #IPCC or BBC’s ideology!

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews If #HS2 isn’t cancelled now, after #GE20…

.@BBCNews If #HS2 isn’t cancelled now, after #GE2015 government will have to leave a letter like @LiamByrneMP left…

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Look @IPCCNews the Arctic grew 60% last…

.@BBCNews Look @IPCCNews the Arctic grew 60% last year according to #NASA images. Must be a long hiccup then?…

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews #IPCC report is just about getting more…

.@BBCNews #IPCC report is just about getting more money out of the poor so they can continue playing at scientists.Get a job, do some work!

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews The £3.3Bn from EU directed #RoyalMail s…

.@BBCNews The £3.3Bn from EU directed #RoyalMail sellout is going to go long way to paying for #EU bailout.All aboard the gravy train chaps!

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews @EdwardDaveyMP accuses Climate Change de…

.@BBCNews @EdwardDaveyMP accuses Climate Change deniers of being members of the flat earth society. #scoop 😉

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Nothing newsworthy lets run Astley Castl…

.@BBCNews Nothing newsworthy lets run Astley Castle story for umpteenth time followed by #IPCC story. Forgot #Syria #Egypt #Badger killings?

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Friday, September 27th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews You’re normally so politically overcorre…

.@BBCNews You’re normally so politically overcorrect.Even #IPCC say 95% caused by ‘humans’. Not just MAN made you know.WOMEN pollute as well

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