Archive for September 24th, 2013

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Frozen energy bills, no #bedroomtax more…

.@BBCNews Frozen energy bills, no #bedroomtax more #houses, apprentices & small business support. #110Bn from cancelled #HS2 will do nicely.

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@bbcnews Car manufacturers spend a lot of time &a…

.@BBCNews Car manufacturers spend a lot of time & money making cars greener so It seems a backward step to use energy guzzling #HS2 trains

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Cancel #HS2 & spend some of that #11…

.@BBCNews Cancel #HS2 & spend some of that #110Bn developing roads & local rail projects so poor people can travel the UK just like the rich

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews @DefraGovUK Wales are 2 years into vacci…

.@BBCNews @DefraGovUK Wales are 2 years into vaccination programme the NFU Cymru say ‘the economics of #badger culling are “ridiculous” ‘

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews #badger TVR programme in NI is to furthe…

.@BBCNews #badger TVR programme in NI is to further reduce #bTB & maintain their populations.@DefraGovUK are just removing 70% of population

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews @DefraGovUK The #badger vaccine to be us…

.@BBCNews @DefraGovUK The #badger vaccine to be used in N.I.will be Badger BCG following testing for bTB using the Brock Stat-Pak blood test

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@bbcnews #HS2 has gone from Speed to Freight to C…

.@BBCNews #HS2 has gone from Speed to Freight to Capacity. Those ideas have failed so it’s now ” The Peoples Railway”. No cartoon yet?

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@bbcnews What’s this nonsense about #HS2 now bein…

.@BBCNews What’s this nonsense about #HS2 now being #ThePeoplesRailway. The people will pay #110BN for it but only the rich will use it.

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews @DefraGovUK If contractors are not turni…

.@BBCNews @DefraGovUK If contractors are not turning up & #badgers not being culled it might as well be called off to save cost of Policing.

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Why is the labour conference showing at…

.@BBCNews Why is the labour conference showing at the same time on @BBCTwo @bbcdemlive as well as @BBCNews whilst it can be seen on @SkyNews

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