Archive for September, 2013

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews sticking the knife into #UKIP over ‘ethn…

.@BBCNews sticking the knife into #UKIP over ‘ethnic extraction’ comment. Hope nobody from #UKIP breaks wind else they’re done!

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: #Dog wanders in from the garden. Checks me over fo…

#Dog wanders in from the garden. Checks me over for biscuit crumbs. Then wanders back outside. I have some use.

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Would be more believable if all these ch…

.@BBCNews Would be more believable if all these changes being spouted at #cpc13 came into force tomorrow instead of after #GE2015 aka never

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews If unemployed are made to pick up litter…

.@BBCNews If unemployed are made to pick up litter,Council litter collectors will lose their jobs,become unemployed & have to pick litter up

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Not sure you can accuse Labour of borrow…

.@BBCNews Not sure you can accuse Labour of borrowing & debt when @David_Cameron wants to borrow #110Bn just to build a posh #HS2 train set.

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Osborne says he’ll freeze fuel rises if…

.@BBCNews Osborne says he’ll freeze fuel rises if he can make savings for the £Millions needed elsewhere.Well, cancel #HS2 & use the #110Bn

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Millions have worked hard for 30 years a…

.@BBCNews Millions have worked hard for 30 years and been paid less than the #HS2 boss gets in one year for 6 months ‘work’. Shameful #cpc13

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Reckon you could get 20 nurses per year…

.@BBCNews Reckon you could get 20 nurses per year for what the #HS2 boss is being paid, and you’d get value for money @CommonsPAC #cpc13

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Australian Broadband board members have…

.@BBCNews Australian Broadband board members have resigned. No doubt rushing to #UK for fabulously well paid jobs with #HS2 for little work.

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Monday, September 30th, 2013

Tweet: .@BBCNews Don’t know about working for benefits bu…

.@BBCNews Don’t know about working for benefits but shouldn’t obscenely overpaid #HS2 bosses do some work for the taxpayers money they take?

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