Archive for April, 2013
Saturday, April 13th, 2013
Tweet: I still think that 14 yr old Chinese kid should be…
I still think that 14 yr old Chinese kid should be in school and not playing #golf
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Friday, April 12th, 2013
Tweet: Watching a segment about high tech toilets on #NHK…
Watching a segment about high tech toilets on #NHKworld. The hole looks small,not sure my droppings would fit. Don’t fancy being plugged in!
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Friday, April 12th, 2013
Tweet: In #App purchases. £70 for a unicorn? Outrageous.
In #App purchases. £70 for a unicorn? Outrageous.
Comments Off on Tweet: In #App purchases. £70 for a unicorn? Outrageous. - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Thursday, April 11th, 2013
Tweet: Gave up watching #foxnews after 10 mins. Why are t…
Gave up watching #foxnews after 10 mins. Why are those women so loud & strident? The men are the same as well. You have mikes speak normally
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Thursday, April 11th, 2013
Tweet: What’s with this #rain again? Bring back the #drou…
What’s with this #rain again? Bring back the #drought.
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Thursday, April 11th, 2013
Tweet: Does @BBCNews know why the other members of the G8…
Does @BBCNews know why the other members of the G8 aren’t matching the UK £10 Million donation to the ‘stopping sexual violence campaign’ ?
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Thursday, April 11th, 2013
Tweet: The #G8 have promised £23 million to stop #sexual…
The #G8 have promised £23 million to stop #sexual exploitation of #women. A good cause. But £10 million from UK. Rest of G8 should match it.
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Thursday, April 11th, 2013
Tweet: Think I’ll build a skyscraper in the back garden….
Think I’ll build a skyscraper in the back garden. I’ve got some bricks and a bag of cement.
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Tuesday, April 9th, 2013
Tweet: #DPRK firing test #missile over Japan and into the…
#DPRK firing test #missile over Japan and into the Pacific.US and Japan have agreed not to interfere. If I did it the #Police would be round
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Sunday, April 7th, 2013
Tweet: Have to work out how to reset radio to switch on a…
Have to work out how to reset radio to switch on at 7am instead of 6am and explain it to the dog. What does this button do? @BBCShaneonair