Archive for December 11th, 2012
Daily Archive
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012
Tweet: The ‘powers that be’ appear to believe what people…
The ‘powers that be’ appear to believe what people put on the #census2011 form. Naivety beyond belief. #nonofyourbusiness
Comments Off on Tweet: The ‘powers that be’ appear to believe what people… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012
Tweet: Don’t know how they do it. They always manage to g…
Don’t know how they do it. They always manage to get #Christmas to arrive on the same date each year. Amazing. #cleverscientists
Comments Off on Tweet: Don’t know how they do it. They always manage to g… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by Editor7
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012
Tweet: Dog has to go for her booster today. Why did she p…
Dog has to go for her booster today. Why did she pick the coldest day ever?