Archive for September 23rd, 2012
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23
What a large cucumber you have. I'm sure she was dying to say that on @BBCNews # I hate it when the tap runs in the sink and spurts back over your trousers. Then somebody comes to the door. # Outcome of enquiry by #Ofcom into Sky was obvious from the day the enquiry was […]
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23 - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012
Twitter Updates for 2012-09-23
Why do they put LivvManU EngvInd F1 all on at the same time? #badprogramming # finished The Naive and Sentimental Lover (Coronet Books) by John le Carré — Utter drivel!!! #Kindle #
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-09-23 - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012
finished The Naive and Sentime…
finished The Naive and Sentimental Lover (Coronet Books) by John le Carré — Utter drivel!!! #Kindle
Comments Off on finished The Naive and Sentime… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012
Why do they put LivvManU Engv…
Why do they put LivvManU EngvInd F1 all on at the same time? #badprogramming