Archive for July 13th, 2012
Daily Archive
Friday, July 13th, 2012
Twitter Updates for 2012-07-14
Interest on compensation will be paid at 0.5% below base rate. But base rate is 0.5%. So effectively that's 0% interest? #hs2 # Think I had too many raspberries for tea. Feel a bit loose now. Mustn't laugh, cough or sneeze. #
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-07-14 - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Friday, July 13th, 2012
Think I had too many raspberri…
Think I had too many raspberries for tea. Feel a bit loose now. Mustn’t laugh, cough or sneeze.
Comments Off on Think I had too many raspberri… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Friday, July 13th, 2012
Interest on compensation will …
Interest on compensation will be paid at 0.5% below base rate. But base rate is 0.5%. So effectively that’s 0% interest? #hs2