Archive for May 20th, 2012

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-21

Nice without the rain. # Lots of mozzies about though. They think I'm dinner. # I have to keep her on the lead otherwise she gets home an hour before me. # The only place I can hear the stereo properly in 5.1 is from the dogs side of the sofa. This is […]

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Sunday, May 20th, 2012

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-20

We're never gonna get Chanderpaul out. #EngvWI # But Marlon will do though. Good knock. #EngvWI #

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Sunday, May 20th, 2012

But Marlon will do though. Goo…

But Marlon will do though. Good knock. #EngvWI

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Sunday, May 20th, 2012

We’re never gonna get Chanderp…

We’re never gonna get Chanderpaul out. #EngvWI

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