Archive for May 13th, 2012

Sunday, May 13th, 2012

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13

#Hollande — "Austerity can no longer be the only option." Interesting. What will Georgy do now? #Eurozone # This rain is driving me MENTAL!!! # 'Horse Watch' to combat #horse related crime being pushed. About time we stopped horses climbing through open windows and pinching our TV's. # I just bought: 'SanDisk microSDHC 32GB Card' […]

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Sunday, May 13th, 2012

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-13

Wish that cackling blackbird would shut up. SHUT UP! Its getting on my beak now. #

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Sunday, May 13th, 2012

Wish that cackling blackbird w…

Wish that cackling blackbird would shut up. SHUT UP! Its getting on my beak now.

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