Sun 29 Apr 2012
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-30
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-30
- If it wasn't for the panic buying of petrol we'd have been in recession.
How convenient. Almost designed that way. # - So the UK hasn't landed a giraffe on the moon after all? It really was a dream. I reckon the cheese was off. #
- Amazing. An MI6 man is found dead in a zipped and padlocked sports bag and they call it suicide. Somebody's telling porkies. #
- Parrot fight in Dominica in #WIvAus match. #
- finished Public Enemy Zero by Andrew Mayne.
Not bad. #Kindle # - Which part of #drought doesn't the weather understand? #
- Getting long glares from the dog. It's not *my* fault it's raining. It's a #drought #
- #NowPlaying Seance On A Wet Afternoon by John Barry & His Orchestra on @Napster. #
- "101 things to do on a wet Wednesday" well I've thought of one. Involves a kipper, a pair of wellies and a 1927 copy of the Beano. #drought #
- “@DiscoveryUK: Today don't say LOL instead laugh out loud #myadventure €–LOL #
- So that must be the password that tells Skynet to make it rain for weeks. "hosepipe ban" #
See, I said it again. # - Environment Agency asks "Have you got a water butt?"
No it's the way my jeans ruck up. # - They (EA) recommend having a water butt in this drought. I have one but it's under water. It floated off down the road again into the lake. #
- I'm starting to get paranoid about the fact that I'm not paranoid about anything. #
- “@jjedmondson: @norm1037 norm can you find 4 and make a raft?‖I could use wheelybins. I have enough of 'em. #
- New camera came today but I've been rained in all day. There's only so many shots of a bowl of fruit you can take. #
- Think I'll join the Secret Service. They seem to have a good time on their holidays.
Oh I thought it was like Club18 / Saga or something. # - Ah the pointless obligatory sex scene. Time to have a wee. #
- With torrential rain and 70 mph winds just make sure you don't use your hosepipe. #hosepipeban #globalwarming #
- If you get flooded out in a #hosepipeban area and use a hosepipe to bale out I bet the #hosepipeban police will fine you a £1000. Plus #vat #
- The dogs ball. Shame she can't go out and play with it. She'd get washed away. #
- Watching #TheVoiceUK for first time (thought I'd tuned in Poirot) but keep waiting for Dale Winton to pop up shouting 'bring on the wall!'. #