Sun 29 Apr 2012
Twitter Updates for 2012-04-29
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-04-29
- With torrential rain and 70 mph winds just make sure you don't use your hosepipe. #hosepipeban #globalwarming #
- If you get flooded out in a #hosepipeban area and use a hosepipe to bale out I bet the #hosepipeban police will fine you a £1000. Plus #vat #
- The dogs ball. Shame she can't go out and play with it. She'd get washed away. #
- Watching #TheVoiceUK for first time (thought I'd tuned in Poirot) but keep waiting for Dale Winton to pop up shouting 'bring on the wall!'. #