• Trouble is when I throw my teddy out the pram the dog fetches it back! #
  • 1 of 40 websites transferred to the new VPS. I think the old provider has switched to a 56k modem! #
  • I hope I've sat on some Easter egg and not had a trouser accident. #
  • It hasn't stopped raining since the water companies declared their ban on hosepipes. #shouldkeepquiet #
  • Now I like mod_php and I like suphp. But which one's better? There's only one way to find out. FIGHT!! #with_acks_to_HarryHill_TVB #
  • Plop!
    The sound of my biscuit going for a swim in my tea. #
  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a UFO? No. It's a bit of porridge stuck on my glasses. #lifesdisappointments #
  • Tick removal tools arrived. Don't know why, from the sales picture I thought they'd be as big as garden hand forks. They're matchstick sized #
  • @citycloud thanks for the great offer. Found a new home already 😉 in reply to citycloud #
  • Something evil is lurking in the bathroom. Looks like a green cloud with a slight odour of day old tikka masala. #
  • Somebody is either boiling their pants on the cooker or a fog bank has come down. #
  • If those N Korean engineers are anything like me they've probably got a little bag of screws, bolts and bits left over. #koreanrocket #
  • Maybe the rockets stick was too big for the bottle? #koreanrocket #
  • Spent the last week moving 40 domains from ex-providers VPS to new VPS but just noticed I put them in the wrong account. Start again! #ohpoo #
  • Almost have everything working as it should on the new VPS and it's slave. May set up another slave in UK. Maybe. #
  • Sad that the #FA Cup semi-final #Liverpool v Everton is only on some minor pay channel. #
  • Shall I scrabble about on the floor and fit this ram in or shall I leave it?
    It's times like this when I wish I'd trained the dog better. #
  • See what happens @BBCShaneonair when you rubbish N Korea's rockets. They send a team in. 20 of them I heard. #