• The suns come out. Yippeeeeeee dooo! #
  • That fish was 16 inches long. Nice though. I know how a seal feels now. Or is it a penguin that eats fish whole? #
  • Pain from my stubbed big toe is easing. Who needs waterboarding when you can stub a big toe to get all the intel you need. #toptorturetips #
  • The full scale model of Buckingham Palace I've built in the lounge from matchsticks looks nice but how do I get it out? #
  • finished The Shadow Factory by James Bamford.A good read.Swamped by data.Frightening. http://t.co/ylknBeFN #Kindle #
  • It may have been the hottest day yesterday, in London, but in the real world north of Watford Gap it was freezing. Today's the same. #
  • Onward and upward with ten sneezes. #
  • Since the water drought alerts were issued we've had nothing but rain in the real world. #