Sun 5 Feb 2012
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-06
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-06
- Who's this #GrahamBLVD group? They've made a lot of cover records. No mention in Wikipedia though. #
- Some strange folk on this Twitter thing. #
- For every person who agrees somebody will disagree. It's like Yin and Yang, matter and anti-matter,fish and chips. #
- So there's a knighthood going spare now? I'll have it. #
- Listening to Leonard Cohens' "Old Ideas". Where's my noose?
Actually it's okay.
I'd turn the lights down low but I stubbed my toe last time. # - Grail has taken video of the far side of the Moon but I was up there last year and thought it a bit stark with no trees at all. #
- All I have to do is carefully lift out this tiny screw with tweezers…
Aaaargh thanks dog. No I'm not playing tuggie. # - Waiting for #uksnow #
- Is that snow?
No it's dandruff from a scratty pigeon sitting on the chimney. #uksnow # - Cold.: #
- Is that snow on the window? No just bird poo. #
- Well snow was ordered for 14:08 but it's still not arrived. Must be using the same dodgy couriers I seem to get. #
- I turn my back for a second and the snow sneaks down. #
- Snows up to the dogs back in Cov. Well it was when she rolled in it. #snowdog in the #uksnow #
- Snow melting away. Drip drip drip drip…
I confess. I did it.
(effects of Chinese water torture) #
- The snow on the roof is just waiting for me to poke my head out. Then plop!! #